Delivering quality courses online for brighter future

Other frequently asked questions

Account Questions

How can i change my password?

To change your password, log into your account and go into ‘Settings’ section on your dashboard.

I’ve forgotten my password!

You can reset password by clicking on the ‘forgotten password’ link on login page, or by contacting us using the contact form or the phone number.

Course Related

Can I have a taster session before enrolling in a course?

Yes. Please contact us to arrange a taster session for your chosen subject.

Do you provide one to one tutoring?

Yes. Please contact us with your requirement and we will arrange one to one tutoring session for you.

What is small group tutoring?

Tutoring is delivered in a small group of 2-4 children. Small group tuition provides children with opportunities to interact with their peer and develop confidence, and tutor are also able to provide tailored tuition to each child in the class.

Do I need to create an account to attend online class?

Yes. You need to create an account, and log into your dashboard to enter online virtual classroom.

Payment Related

Are my payment details safe?

All payments are processed through Stripe, a global third party provider that we use to ensure all transfers are secure.