1. Introduction
2. WiseBees Rights & Responsibilities
3. User Responsibilities
4. Student Responsibilities
5. Tutor Status and Responsibilities
6. Payment
7. Cancellations
8. Missed Lessons and Complaints
10. Failed Payments
11. Child Protection
12. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability
13. Intellectual Property
14. Changes to Terms and Conditions
15. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
16. Definitions

1.1 The WiseBees Website helps Students to book and pay for Lessons. All of these terms and conditions apply to Students and Tutors, unless they specifically state otherwise, or are marked with a “T”, when they only apply to Tutors. Clause 5 only applies to Tutors. These terms and conditions replace any previous versions of them.

1.2 The WiseBees Website is owned and operated by WiseBees Academy Limited, trading as WiseBees Academy, is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales under company number 15844161.

1.3 A User may use the Website without registering, but if a User does register, certain information will be stored, making future visits to the Website easier.

1.4 By registering on or using our Website, the User agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are legally binding – every User should read them fully before agreeing to them. (Please print or save these terms for future use as WiseBees will not keep a file copy specifically for the User and WiseBees cannot guarantee that they will remain accessible on the Website in future.) If a User does not wish to be bound by these terms, they should not use the Website.

1.5 (“T”) Where the person who agrees these terms and conditions contracts on behalf of a company/organisation, they hereby confirm that they have authority to act on behalf of that entity.

1.6 Certain words are defined in clause 16 (Definitions) of these terms and conditions and are capitalised throughout.